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Car Accident Reports in Austin, TX

After a car accident in Austin, figuring out who was at fault is not always a simple matter. One driver says one thing, and the other driver may say something totally different. This is why it’s smart to report the accident to the police so they can provide an official accident report. This report can then be used as evidence in an insurance claim or a lawsuit.

An accident report will include all of the relevant information from the accident, including the names, contact information, and insurance information of everyone involved. It will document the injuries suffered and any property damage caused by the accident. It will also include:

  • The day, what time, and where the accident occurred
  • The weather and road conditions
  • Were people wearing their seatbelts

Another important element of the report will be the police officer’s opinion of how the accident happened.

Having this report can be crucial for your case, especially when dealing with insurance companies or if you need to take legal action. Our Austin car accident attorneys at FVF Law can help you navigate the complexities of your case, using the accident report and other evidence to build a strong claim. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your situation and understand your rights and options.

When Accident Reports Are Required in Texas

Texas police officers don’t have to submit a written report for every reported accident. State law says that police are required to submit a written accident report if a car accident resulted in an injury or a fatality or if there was more than $1,000 in property damage.

The accident form that is filled out is called the Peace Officer Crash Report (CR-3), and it is required to be submitted to the Texas Department of Transportation (DOT) within 10 days of the accident.

How To Obtain Your Texas Accident Report

The officer on the scene should give you an accident or incident report number. If you can’t locate that number, you can get the report using the date, time, and location of the accident, the names of the drivers involved, and the police department that responded.

The CR-3 can be requested for a fee through an online database, but only certain people can request it. State law says the crash report can only be given to the parties involved, their attorneys, or the relevant insurance companies. The report can also be given to an employer, legal guardian, or the parent of a person involved in the accident.

You can also request a CR-3 by mail. You’ll need to fill out a request form and send it to the Texas DOP. A standard copy of the CR-3 will cost $6, and a certified copy will cost $8.

Austin Accident Reports

When car accidents happen in Austin, TX, the Austin Police Department or Travis County Sheriff’s Office will typically complete the accident report. You can go to either department’s headquarters and buy an Austin crash report during their normal business hours. Remember to bring the case number.

You can also buy an accident report online (click here for the Sheriff’s Department or click here for APD) or request one through the mail.

Call an Austin Car Accident Lawyer With Questions

If you have been in a car accident, the chances are you will have a lot of details on your plate to deal with. It’s smart to consult with an experienced car accident attorney for advice. They will be able to assess your case and guide you through the process from start to finish. Most Austin car accident attorneys also offer a free initial consultation to go over your legal options.

Contact Our Car Accident Law Firm in Austin, TX

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Austin and need legal help, contact our Austin personal injury lawyers at FVF Law Firm – Injury & Wrongful Death Lawyers to schedule a free consultation with our team.

3101 Bee Caves Rd #301, Austin, TX 78746, United States
(512) 982-9328

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