Who, What, and How We Represent Matters.
Values-driven personal injury lawyers in Austin, Texas here to listen, educate, and help in any way we can.
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Our Values

FVF’s client contract has, for a long time, contained the following termination clause:  FVF Law is a values-driven law firm, and because diversity is a value we support, “good cause” [for termination] shall include any expression by the client of intolerance with respect to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.”

Now more than ever, FVF Law Firm – Injury & Wrongful Death Lawyers recognizes the global need to combat racism proactively, and to do so with more than just words. This firm was built on the mission of being better. Better lawyers. Better advocates. Better people.

We all know being better requires an ongoing commitment to learning, growth, introspection, and change. We enthusiastically embrace that commitment and hereby pledge to do more than just talk about it.

We respectfully request new clients who find their own views incompatible with this pledge to consider contacting another firm to handle their case. In any case, we invite you to provide honest feedback by emailing leadership@fvlawfirm.com.