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How Soon After an Injury Do I Need to File a Lawsuit?

If you get hurt in an accident in Texas that was caused by someone else, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to help you become whole again. In this situation, it’s…

How Safety Training Helps Prevent Construction Accidents in Texas

Construction accidents are terrible disasters that should never take place in safe and secure work environments. Yet construction is one of the deadliest industries in Texas, with hundreds of serious and fatal accidents reported each…

How Dog Bite Cases Work Under Texas Premises Liability Law

If you get bitten by a dog, you may sustain serious injuries that will leave permanent physical and emotional scars. In Texas, pet owners can be held responsible for injuries caused by their dogs. Under…

Gaps in Autonomous Vehicle Crash Reporting

After analyzing the Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024), we found significant gaps in how AV-related incidents are reported and understood. Since 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has required manufacturers to report…

Understanding Damages In a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

“Wrongful death” is the legal term for a terrible tragedy that means you have lost someone close to you because of another person’s careless, reckless or wrongful act. If you find yourself in this heartbreaking…

Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024)

Key Takeaways: Autonomous vehicles, more accurately described as vehicles equipped with driver assistance programs, are becoming increasingly common on Texas roads. In fact, Texas serves as an ideal testing ground for this technology, alongside its…

What Are Common Injuries in Commercial Truck Accident Cases?

Commercial truck accidents are one of the most severe types of accidents in terms of the injuries often inflicted on victims. It is common for truck accident survivors to suffer catastrophic and life-threatening injuries. While…

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in Austin?

Even if the car accident you are involved in is relatively minor, it’s still important that you understand your legal rights and options. An Austin car accident attorney’s goal will be to educate you on…

The Most Common Causes of 18-Wheeler Accidents

Every year, thousands of individuals lose their lives in traffic accidents involving 18-wheelers or semi-trucks. In Texas, truck accident victims can receive financial compensation from the person or party at fault for the collision. Identifying…

How Much Is a Permanent Injury Worth in Texas?

Permanent injuries will impact your life forever. For this reason, it is crucial to understand the value of your claim so that you can achieve the financial recovery that makes you whole again. The value…

How Soon After an Injury Do I Need to File a Lawsuit?

If you get hurt in an accident in Texas that was caused by someone else, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to help you become whole again. In this situation, it’s…

How Safety Training Helps Prevent Construction Accidents in Texas

Construction accidents are terrible disasters that should never take place in safe and secure work environments. Yet construction is one of the deadliest industries in Texas, with hundreds of serious and fatal accidents reported each…

How Dog Bite Cases Work Under Texas Premises Liability Law

If you get bitten by a dog, you may sustain serious injuries that will leave permanent physical and emotional scars. In Texas, pet owners can be held responsible for injuries caused by their dogs. Under…

Gaps in Autonomous Vehicle Crash Reporting

After analyzing the Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024), we found significant gaps in how AV-related incidents are reported and understood. Since 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has required manufacturers to report…

Understanding Damages In a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

“Wrongful death” is the legal term for a terrible tragedy that means you have lost someone close to you because of another person’s careless, reckless or wrongful act. If you find yourself in this heartbreaking…

Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024)

Key Takeaways: Autonomous vehicles, more accurately described as vehicles equipped with driver assistance programs, are becoming increasingly common on Texas roads. In fact, Texas serves as an ideal testing ground for this technology, alongside its…

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Basic Austin Personal Injury Settlement Breakdown: How Much Goes in My Pocket?

If you were injured in an accident, you probably feel financially constrained. Maybe you are out of work and struggling to make ends meet while new medical bills pile up. Many people in Austin, TX, call personal injury lawyers to…

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What Are the Odds of Dying in an Austin Car Crash?

With nearly one million residents, Austin is a bustling city filled with cars, motorcycles, and pedestrians. As such, it’s no surprise that traffic accidents abound in one of Texas’s biggest cities. If you drive in Austin or anywhere across the…

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If My Spouse Dies, Am I Responsible for Their Debt?

There is much confusion about whether a spouse is legally liable for a deceased spouse’s debt. The confusion stems from Texas being one of nine community property states. Many people assume that because Texas is a community property state, it…

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Who Is at Fault in an Austin T-Bone Car Accident?

A T-bone accident happens when the front of a vehicle slams or collides with another vehicle at the side doors or panels. The result is a “T” shaped collision. Sadly, T-bone accidents often cause catastrophic injuries for passengers in the…

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Can I Sue if I Fall on a Sidewalk in Austin, TX?

Slips, trips, and falls are among the most common causes of unintentional injuries in the United States. Millions of people are treated in emergency rooms and urgent care facilities for falls each year. Unfortunately, some individuals sustain severe injuries that…

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Blind Spot Truck Accidents in Texas

Every vehicle on the road has at least one blind spot. It is that spot where you can’t see other cars, even if you look in your mirrors or turn your head. Because you can’t tell what is in your…

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Recovering Compensation for the Wrongful Death of a Loved One in Austin, TX

Losing a family member is always overwhelming and heartbreaking. The loss is especially difficult when the death was avoidable. Sadly, families lose loved ones every day because of the negligence and wrongdoing of other parties. If your loved one died…

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Should I Call 911 After a Car Accident in Austin, TX?

The moments after an Austin car accident can be confusing, frightening, and overwhelming. It is difficult to remember Texas law about when to report a car accident and how to notify the police. Therefore, the easiest thing to remember is…

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What Does It Mean for a Truck to Jackknife?

Rollover, blowout, lost load — there are many different types of truck accidents, and sometimes their names can be confusing. One of the most common truck accidents is a jackknife accident. However, not everyone knows what this means, why they…

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What Are the Insurance Requirements for Commercial Trucks in Austin, TX?

Most drivers in Austin, TX, don’t give a moment’s thought to commercial trucking insurance requirements — until they’re injured in a truck accident. Suddenly, commercial trucking coverage limits become a pressing concern. Not every commercial truck driver in Austin carries…

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Right-of-Way Laws in Texas

Some of the most basic Texas right-of-way laws are so familiar that they seem like common sense. For example, everyone knows that you can only make a right on red if there’s no oncoming traffic. However, Texas law sets forth…

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How Expensive Is It To Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Austin, TX?

If you listen to the radio, drive past billboards, or watch television, you will likely see advertisements for car accident lawyers in your area. Some of these advertisements feature lawyers who paint a picture that they intimidate and make threats…

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