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How Soon After an Injury Do I Need to File a Lawsuit?

If you get hurt in an accident in Texas that was caused by someone else, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to help you become whole again. In this situation, it’s…

How Safety Training Helps Prevent Construction Accidents in Texas

Construction accidents are terrible disasters that should never take place in safe and secure work environments. Yet construction is one of the deadliest industries in Texas, with hundreds of serious and fatal accidents reported each…

How Dog Bite Cases Work Under Texas Premises Liability Law

If you get bitten by a dog, you may sustain serious injuries that will leave permanent physical and emotional scars. In Texas, pet owners can be held responsible for injuries caused by their dogs. Under…

Gaps in Autonomous Vehicle Crash Reporting

After analyzing the Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024), we found significant gaps in how AV-related incidents are reported and understood. Since 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has required manufacturers to report…

Understanding Damages In a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

“Wrongful death” is the legal term for a terrible tragedy that means you have lost someone close to you because of another person’s careless, reckless or wrongful act. If you find yourself in this heartbreaking…

Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024)

Key Takeaways: Autonomous vehicles, more accurately described as vehicles equipped with driver assistance programs, are becoming increasingly common on Texas roads. In fact, Texas serves as an ideal testing ground for this technology, alongside its…

What Are Common Injuries in Commercial Truck Accident Cases?

Commercial truck accidents are one of the most severe types of accidents in terms of the injuries often inflicted on victims. It is common for truck accident survivors to suffer catastrophic and life-threatening injuries. While…

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in Austin?

Even if the car accident you are involved in is relatively minor, it’s still important that you understand your legal rights and options. An Austin car accident attorney’s goal will be to educate you on…

The Most Common Causes of 18-Wheeler Accidents

Every year, thousands of individuals lose their lives in traffic accidents involving 18-wheelers or semi-trucks. In Texas, truck accident victims can receive financial compensation from the person or party at fault for the collision. Identifying…

How Much Is a Permanent Injury Worth in Texas?

Permanent injuries will impact your life forever. For this reason, it is crucial to understand the value of your claim so that you can achieve the financial recovery that makes you whole again. The value…

How Soon After an Injury Do I Need to File a Lawsuit?

If you get hurt in an accident in Texas that was caused by someone else, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to help you become whole again. In this situation, it’s…

How Safety Training Helps Prevent Construction Accidents in Texas

Construction accidents are terrible disasters that should never take place in safe and secure work environments. Yet construction is one of the deadliest industries in Texas, with hundreds of serious and fatal accidents reported each…

How Dog Bite Cases Work Under Texas Premises Liability Law

If you get bitten by a dog, you may sustain serious injuries that will leave permanent physical and emotional scars. In Texas, pet owners can be held responsible for injuries caused by their dogs. Under…

Gaps in Autonomous Vehicle Crash Reporting

After analyzing the Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024), we found significant gaps in how AV-related incidents are reported and understood. Since 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has required manufacturers to report…

Understanding Damages In a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

“Wrongful death” is the legal term for a terrible tragedy that means you have lost someone close to you because of another person’s careless, reckless or wrongful act. If you find yourself in this heartbreaking…

Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024)

Key Takeaways: Autonomous vehicles, more accurately described as vehicles equipped with driver assistance programs, are becoming increasingly common on Texas roads. In fact, Texas serves as an ideal testing ground for this technology, alongside its…

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Can I Sue a Parking Garage Owner for a Pedestrian-Car Accident

Parking lots and garages are dangerous places — not just for drivers but for pedestrians as well. Pedestrians are one of the most vulnerable groups of road users. For instance, in 2016, there was an average one pedestrian killed every…

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Should I Contact a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

A car accident has the potential to alter your life by causing permanent injury and financial or emotional harm. In the aftermath of a collision, you may need to seek rehabilitative medical care, take time off of work, and repair…

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5 Common Back and Neck Injuries in Truck Accidents

Many accident victims suffer from back and neck pain and injury after a collision. However, an accident with a truck or commercial vehicle is even more likely to cause severe back, neck, and spine issues.  In Texas, commercial vehicles weigh…

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Why Are 18-Wheelers So Dangerous?

It takes only a small mistake or a second of inattention to cause a deadly traffic accident. If that accident involves an 18-wheeler, the risk of injury and death increases considerably — and people in smaller vehicles are the most…

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Are You Being Overbilled for Medical Treatment After an Accident?

After you are injured in an accident, your health is in the hands of the doctors and medical providers that treat you. Unfortunately, however, for many accident victims, these treatments come at a serious cost.  The average cost to visit…

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Should I Use My Car Insurance to Pay for Injuries in a Semi-Truck Accident?

There’s no blueprint for how to proceed in securing a financial recovery for financial and other losses related to bodily injury caused by a semi-truck accident. The complicating factors vary for every case, but one thing many semi-truck accidents have…

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How Do Personal Injury Lawyers Get Paid?

Many accident victims worry about how they will be able to afford a lawyer after a serious injury. Paying for care and medical treatment by itself can be quite expensive, especially if you have to miss work after your accident…

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Do Tolls Make Roads Safer?

It’s no secret that Texas has a lot of toll roads: according to TXDoT, there are over 50 separate tollways in operation or under construction in the state right now. Austin officials have greenlit a number of toll roads since…

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7 Tips for Safer Holiday Driving

According to the American Automobile Association, an estimated 49.3 million Americans hit the road over the Thanksgiving holiday. Turkey Day may be in the rearview mirror, but with the winter holidays still ahead, drivers who plan to travel should take…

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How Can Commercial Trucking Companies Prevent 18-wheeler Accidents?

While every driver on the road is responsible for making safe choices, commercial trucking companies share the responsibility to prevent accidents. Company policies can incentivize employees to drive either cautiously or carelessly — which means that trucking companies have a…

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The Rules of the Road for Austin Cyclists and Drivers

Cyclists and drivers alike often misunderstand or simply don’t know the laws governing bike use in our city. However, cyclists are one of the most vulnerable road users and are much more likely to be seriously hurt in an accident…

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Texas Oilfield Deaths Are on the Rise

Texas oil and gas production is booming and reaching new heights of prosperity: between January and September of 2019, production surpassed 1.2 billion barrels. The industry is breaking records and contributing to job growth. Unfortunately, the demand for oil and…

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