Why You Need to Protect Yourself from Underinsured Motorists
Most Texans believe that if they get hurt in a car accident, they will be compensated by the at-fault driver’s car insurance. But in Texas, many drivers have state-minimum insurance coverage that will only cover $30,000 worth of medical expenses,…
¡Necesita protegerse de los automovilistas con seguro insuficiente!
La mayoría de los tejanos creen que si resultan heridos en un accidente automovilístico, serán compensados por el seguro del auto del conductor culpable. Pero en Texas, muchos conductores tienen la cobertura de seguro mínima del estado que solo cubrirá…
What To Do When Your Employer Doesn’t Have Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation is an insurance program regulated by the state providing covered employees with medical benefits and income if they suffer a work-related illness or injury. Private employers in Texas choose to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage to their employees,…
What is a Hospital Lien in Texas?
Hospitals in Texas are required to provide treatment to people in need, such as car accident victims. Texas protects those hospitals, and other emergency medical providers, by allowing them to file a hospital lien for their reasonable medical bills, which…
Statute of Limitations in Texas Personal Injury Cases Explained
The statute of limitations is the amount of time a person has to file a lawsuit for their “cause of action,” or case. The cause of action this post focuses on is personal jury cases in Texas. The statute of…
¿Qué formularios debo firmar para las aseguradoras?
Si se ve involucrado en un accidente de tráfico, puede que reciba varios formularios de autorización de las diversas aseguradoras de automóviles implicadas. Los formularios de autorización típicos incluyen un formulario de autorización médica, autorización de registros de empleo y…
What Authorization Forms Should I Sign for the Insurance Companies After A Car Accident?
If you are involved in a car accident, you will probably receive a series of authorization forms from the various auto insurance companies implicated in the accident. Typical authorization forms include a Medical Authorization, Employment Records Authorization, and Accident Statement…
Health Insurance and Your Personal Injury Claim
Health insurance plays an important role in assessing a personal injury claim.
How Medical Bills Can Affect Your Credit
If you are injured in an accident, the unexpected medical care expenses can create a financial burden that is difficult to shoulder. This could leave you asking how unpaid medical debt can affect your credit. This is not an uncommon…
An Introduction to HIPAA
HIPAA stands for the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The law was signed on August 21st, 1996 with the initial goal to improve the accountability and portability of health insurance for employees changing jobs, and to combat waste, fraud,…
What Can be Done About Abusive or Negligent Adjusters in Texas?
“You have the right to be treated fairly and honestly when you make a claim.” Consumer Bill of Rights, Personal Automobile Insurance Dealing with insurance companies can be a stressful and unpleasant experience. If you encounter an abusive or negligent…
House Bill 1774 y el huracán Harvey: ¿Tengo que presentar mi reclamo antes del viernes 1 de septiembre de 2017?
El huracán Harvey ha causado inundaciones y daños masivos en Texas. En medio del diluvio, surgió una narrativa que recomienda a los residentes afectados por las inundaciones que presenten sus reclamos de seguro por daños a la propiedad antes del…