Uber Accident Lawyers Serving Austin
Companies like Uber and Lyft are expanding their driving services to large metropolitan areas throughout the country. As these services become more popular, it becomes more important to know: what happens if you are injured in a car accident with…
¿Qué determina quién tiene la culpa en un accidente de tráfico?
En Texas, al igual que en todos los demás estados, existe un conjunto de reglas oficiales que dictan cómo se supone que debe conducir. Sin duda, cualquier persona con una licencia de conducir de Texas está familiarizada con muchas de…
What Determines Who is at Fault in a Traffic Accident?
In Texas, just as in all the other states, there is a set of official rules which dictate how you are supposed to drive. Anyone with a Texas driver’s license is undoubtedly familiar with many of these rules, yet many…
¿Debo compartir mis registros médicos con la aseguradora?
Después de lesionarse en un accidente automovilÃstico causado por otro conductor, lo primero que hacen muchas personas es presentar un reclamo ante la compañÃa de seguros del otro conductor. A menudo, la compañÃa de seguros solicitará registros médicos, lo que…
Should I Share My Medical Records With the Insurer?
After being injured in a car accident caused by another driver, the first thing many people do is file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company. Oftentimes, the insurance company will request medical records, which can seem like a…
Get to Know Your Austin Personal Injury Lawyers
When facing the intimidating legalities of a personal injury claim, you want an attorney who is dedicated to preserving your rights to compensation. At FVF Law, we strive to bring compassion and resourcefulness to each of our cases. You want…
5 Things You Should Avoid Doing After a Car Accident
At some point, you will likely find yourself dazed and confused after being in a car accident. Whether it is a major collision or just a minor fender bender, it is important that you know how to react, what steps…