A building collapse can be a catastrophic event that leads to severe injuries and multiple deaths. For those affected, a building collapse can be life-changing, inflicting significant physical, emotional and financial challenges.
Filing a personal injury claim after a building collapse in Austin can help you rebuild your life and move forward. Help from a personal injury attorney at FVF Law Firm can enable you to make informed decisions about your case and achieve an outstanding result.
A building collapse points to extremely serious structural issues that should have been detected and remedied long before the collapse occurred. In most cases, an unexpected building collapse means that someone involved in the construction or design of the building is at fault.
Common causes of building collapses in Austin include:
Identifying the cause of a building collapse is the first step toward filing an injury claim. In Texas, an insurance claim or personal injury suit can be brought against the person or party at fault for causing an injury. An experienced attorney can investigate your incident to determine the cause of the structural collapse and who is responsible.
A building collapse can cause injuries such as broken bones, skull and brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, internal injuries, crush injuries, and amputations. These catastrophes often inflict immense emotional damage, as well.
Depending on the circumstances, the following parties may be held liable, or financially responsible, for a victim’s losses after a building collapse in Austin:
A number of parties could be held responsible for a structural collapse in Austin for issues related to the building’s design, construction, maintenance, and upkeep. An Austin construction accident attorney at FVF Law Firm can investigate the circumstances leading up to the collapse in your case to identify the at-fault party or parties.
Whether you suffered a serious injury or a loved one tragically died in a building collapse disaster in Austin, the attorneys at FVF Law Firm are here to help. Working with our attorneys to explore your legal options can help you choose the right path forward and achieve the best possible results for your case.
Our lawyers have more than 100 years of experience handling personal injury cases of all types. We will work to help you build a strong case based on the unique facts and evidence involved. Our goal is to give you the information and tools you need to recover a fair settlement, so that you can focus on getting better after a catastrophic building collapse. Contact us today for an initial consultation with a lawyer at no cost or pressure to hire us. We can help you get through this difficult time and come out whole again on the other side. Call (512) 640-2146 24/7.