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Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Injury in Texas     

If you get injured in a slip and fall accident in Texas, it is important to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your legal rights. The owner of the property where the…

Texas Wet Floor Sign Laws

While no law in Texas specifically requires wet floor signs, property owners do have a duty to keep premises free of potential injury risks. If a prudent property owner had used a wet floor sign,…

Texas Property Owners’ Responsibilities in Preventing Accidents

In Texas, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. Although the specific responsibilities vary based on the circumstances and the type of visitor, property owners have a…

Steps in the Texas Car Accident Claims Process: What You Should Do After an Accident   

Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries and deaths in Texas. For the average driver, getting into a car accident is more likely a question of when, not if. It is…

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Texas Car Accident Cases

If you get injured or suffer property damage in a car accident in Texas, a legal doctrine known as comparative negligence may affect your claim. In Texas, this law could diminish your financial recovery if…

Top Questions to Ask During a Car Accident Lawyer Consultation

If you get injured in an automobile accident in Austin, you may need to hire an Austin car accident attorney during the insurance claims process. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations, where you…

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries in Car Accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of serious and fatal injuries in the United States. While some car accidents only cause minor injuries, others are catastrophic, meaning they inflict a level of…

Common Types of Premises Liability Cases in Texas

Premises liability laws allow you to hold a property owner in Texas responsible for having a dangerous property that causes an injury to you or a loved one. All landowners in Texas have a legal…

What Determines Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?

In Texas, when a car accident takes place, the person or party most at fault for causing the collision is responsible for paying for a victim’s losses, including medical bills and property damage. It is…

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Case in Texas?

The loss of a loved one in an unexpected accident will turn your life upside-down. In addition to immense grief and pain, your family may also be dealing with financial struggles from the loss of…

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Injury in Texas     

If you get injured in a slip and fall accident in Texas, it is important to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your legal rights. The owner of the property where the…

Texas Wet Floor Sign Laws

While no law in Texas specifically requires wet floor signs, property owners do have a duty to keep premises free of potential injury risks. If a prudent property owner had used a wet floor sign,…

Texas Property Owners’ Responsibilities in Preventing Accidents

In Texas, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. Although the specific responsibilities vary based on the circumstances and the type of visitor, property owners have a…

Steps in the Texas Car Accident Claims Process: What You Should Do After an Accident   

Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries and deaths in Texas. For the average driver, getting into a car accident is more likely a question of when, not if. It is…

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Texas Car Accident Cases

If you get injured or suffer property damage in a car accident in Texas, a legal doctrine known as comparative negligence may affect your claim. In Texas, this law could diminish your financial recovery if…

Top Questions to Ask During a Car Accident Lawyer Consultation

If you get injured in an automobile accident in Austin, you may need to hire an Austin car accident attorney during the insurance claims process. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations, where you…

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¿Qué tan pronto después de una lesión necesito presentar una demanda?

Los reclamos por lesiones personales en Texas tienen un estatuto de limitaciones de dos años, lo que significa que tiene una cuenta regresiva de dos años desde el día resultó lesionado para presentar la demanda. Esta es la razón más básica para…

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How Soon After an Injury Do I Need to File a Lawsuit?

Personal injury claims in Texas have a two-year statute of limitations, which means you have a two-year countdown from the day you were injured to file the lawsuit. This is the most basic reason to move quickly and hire a…

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Cuánto esperar de los acuerdos de accidentes automovilísticos

*Lo siguiente no es un consejo legal: para un análisis completo del valor de su caso, llame a nuestra firma hoy. Las reclamaciones por lesiones personales están destinadas a cubrir los costos en que incurre una lesión. Estos costos se…

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How Much To Expect From Car Accident Settlements

*The following is not legal advice—for a thorough analysis of your case’s value, call our firm today. Personal injury claims are intended to provide for the costs that an injury incurs. These costs fall into two different categories: economic and…

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Por qué la negligencia es importante para su reclamo por lesiones

Las lesiones personales cubren una amplia gama de reclamaciones y casos. Es probable que sea una de las áreas más grandes del derecho civil en los EE. UU. Si ocurre una lesión por cualquier motivo como resultado de la acción…

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Why Negligence Matters to Your Injury Claim

Personal injury covers a broad range of claims and cases. It’s likely one of the largest areas of civil law in the U.S. If an injury happens for any reason as a result of someone else’s action or inaction, it…

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Abogados de accidentes de Uber que prestan servicios en Austin

Empresas como Uber y Lyft están ampliando sus servicios de conducción a grandes áreas metropolitanas de todo el país. A medida que estos servicios se vuelven más populares, se vuelve más importante saber: qué sucede si se lesiona en un accidente…

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Uber Accident Lawyers Serving Austin

Companies like Uber and Lyft are expanding their driving services to large metropolitan areas throughout the country. As these services become more popular, it becomes more important to know: what happens if you are injured in a car accident with…

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¿Qué determina quién tiene la culpa en un accidente de tráfico?

En Texas, al igual que en todos los demás estados, existe un conjunto de reglas oficiales que dictan cómo se supone que debe conducir. Sin duda, cualquier persona con una licencia de conducir de Texas está familiarizada con muchas de…

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What Determines Who is at Fault in a Traffic Accident?

In Texas, just as in all the other states, there is a set of official rules which dictate how you are supposed to drive. Anyone with a Texas driver’s license is undoubtedly familiar with many of these rules, yet many…

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¿Debo compartir mis registros médicos con la aseguradora?

Después de lesionarse en un accidente automovilístico causado por otro conductor, lo primero que hacen muchas personas es presentar un reclamo ante la compañía de seguros del otro conductor. A menudo, la compañía de seguros solicitará registros médicos, lo que…

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Should I Share My Medical Records With the Insurer?

After being injured in a car accident caused by another driver, the first thing many people do is file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company. Oftentimes, the insurance company will request medical records, which can seem like a…

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