Statute of Limitations in Texas Personal Injury Cases Explained
The statute of limitations is the amount of time a person has to file a lawsuit for their “cause of action,” or case. The cause of action this post focuses on is personal jury cases in Texas. The statute of…
¿Qué formularios debo firmar para las aseguradoras?
Si se ve involucrado en un accidente de tráfico, puede que reciba varios formularios de autorización de las diversas aseguradoras de automóviles implicadas. Los formularios de autorización típicos incluyen un formulario de autorización médica, autorización de registros de empleo y…
What Authorization Forms Should I Sign for the Insurance Companies After A Car Accident?
If you are involved in a car accident, you will probably receive a series of authorization forms from the various auto insurance companies implicated in the accident. Typical authorization forms include a Medical Authorization, Employment Records Authorization, and Accident Statement…