How Do Personal Injury Lawyers Get Paid?
Many accident victims worry about how they will be able to afford a lawyer after a serious injury. Paying for care and medical treatment by itself can be quite expensive, especially if you have to miss work after your accident…
Do Tolls Make Roads Safer?
It’s no secret that Texas has a lot of toll roads: according to TXDoT, there are over 50 separate tollways in operation or under construction in the state right now. Austin officials have greenlit a number of toll roads since…
7 Tips for Safer Holiday Driving
According to the American Automobile Association, an estimated 49.3 million Americans hit the road over the Thanksgiving holiday. Turkey Day may be in the rearview mirror, but with the winter holidays still ahead, drivers who plan to travel should take…
How Can Commercial Trucking Companies Prevent 18-wheeler Accidents?
While every driver on the road is responsible for making safe choices, commercial trucking companies share the responsibility to prevent accidents. Company policies can incentivize employees to drive either cautiously or carelessly — which means that trucking companies have a…
The Rules of the Road for Austin Cyclists and Drivers
Cyclists and drivers alike often misunderstand or simply don’t know the laws governing bike use in our city. However, cyclists are one of the most vulnerable road users and are much more likely to be seriously hurt in an accident…
Texas Oilfield Deaths Are on the Rise
Texas oil and gas production is booming and reaching new heights of prosperity: between January and September of 2019, production surpassed 1.2 billion barrels. The industry is breaking records and contributing to job growth. Unfortunately, the demand for oil and…
5 Car Safety Features That May Help You Avoid Accidents
Keeping yourself and your family, friends, and other passengers safe is your utmost priority when driving. However, operating a vehicle is getting riskier: between 2014 and 2016, the total number of accident fatalities rose every year, in tandem with the…
New Hour-Logging Technology May Reduce Commercial Vehicle Crashes
Electronic logging devices (ELDs) automatically record a commercial driver’s hours of service, miles driven, and engine diagnostics. While ELDs are primarily record-keeping devices, they can make commercial vehicle transportation safer for drivers and the industry more transparent. Various mandates have…
Commercial Vehicle Accident Fact Sheet
Hundreds of thousands of drivers are involved in commercial motor vehicle (CMV) accidents each year, and many of these incidents result in injuries or even death. Because of the large weight and size of these vehicles, accidents involving an 18-wheeler…
Which Factors Can Affect a Semi-Truck Accident Settlement?
Many victims who are injured or affected by a semi-truck accident wonder what they can expect from their settlement. However, estimating the value of a personal injury case is very difficult to do without a nuanced understanding of the circumstances,…
What to Do If You Are Injured on a Construction Site
Construction industry workers know that dangerous and even fatal accidents can occur even when every precaution is taken. However, the risk of injury greatly increases when one of the parties involved in ensuring construction site safety fails to do their…
18-Wheeler Accidents: Who’s Responsible?
Establishing liability is a key part of any accident case, since it determines which parties are responsible for the incident — and therefore who is responsible for paying for injuries. Unfortunately, determining liability is not as clear-cut as you might…