Using Big Data to Prevent 18-Wheeler Accidents
Computerized data collection in the commercial trucking industry began in the 1980s, when motor carriers started implementing electronic logging devices (ELDs) to record hours of service data. Today’s more sophisticated telematic solutions can be hardwired to an engine to record…
Can I Sue a Parking Garage Owner for a Pedestrian-Car Accident
Parking lots and garages are dangerous places — not just for drivers but for pedestrians as well. Pedestrians are one of the most vulnerable groups of road users. For instance, in 2016, there was an average one pedestrian killed every…
Should I Contact a Lawyer After a Car Accident?
A car accident has the potential to alter your life by causing permanent injury and financial or emotional harm. In the aftermath of a collision, you may need to seek rehabilitative medical care, take time off of work, and repair…
5 Common Back and Neck Injuries in Truck Accidents
Many accident victims suffer from back and neck pain and injury after a collision. However, an accident with a truck or commercial vehicle is even more likely to cause severe back, neck, and spine issues. In Texas, commercial vehicles weigh…
Why Are 18-Wheelers So Dangerous?
It takes only a small mistake or a second of inattention to cause a deadly traffic accident. If that accident involves an 18-wheeler, the risk of injury and death increases considerably — and people in smaller vehicles are the most…
Are You Being Overbilled for Medical Treatment After an Accident?
After you are injured in an accident, your health is in the hands of the doctors and medical providers that treat you. Unfortunately, however, for many accident victims, these treatments come at a serious cost. The average cost to visit…
Should I Use My Car Insurance to Pay for Injuries in a Semi-Truck Accident?
There’s no blueprint for how to proceed in securing a financial recovery for financial and other losses related to bodily injury caused by a semi-truck accident. The complicating factors vary for every case, but one thing many semi-truck accidents have…