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Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Injury in Texas     

If you get injured in a slip and fall accident in Texas, it is important to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your legal rights. The owner of the property where the…

Texas Wet Floor Sign Laws

While no law in Texas specifically requires wet floor signs, property owners do have a duty to keep premises free of potential injury risks. If a prudent property owner had used a wet floor sign,…

Texas Property Owners’ Responsibilities in Preventing Accidents

In Texas, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. Although the specific responsibilities vary based on the circumstances and the type of visitor, property owners have a…

Steps in the Texas Car Accident Claims Process: What You Should Do After an Accident   

Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries and deaths in Texas. For the average driver, getting into a car accident is more likely a question of when, not if. It is…

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Texas Car Accident Cases

If you get injured or suffer property damage in a car accident in Texas, a legal doctrine known as comparative negligence may affect your claim. In Texas, this law could diminish your financial recovery if…

Top Questions to Ask During a Car Accident Lawyer Consultation

If you get injured in an automobile accident in Austin, you may need to hire an Austin car accident attorney during the insurance claims process. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations, where you…

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries in Car Accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of serious and fatal injuries in the United States. While some car accidents only cause minor injuries, others are catastrophic, meaning they inflict a level of…

Common Types of Premises Liability Cases in Texas

Premises liability laws allow you to hold a property owner in Texas responsible for having a dangerous property that causes an injury to you or a loved one. All landowners in Texas have a legal…

What Determines Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?

In Texas, when a car accident takes place, the person or party most at fault for causing the collision is responsible for paying for a victim’s losses, including medical bills and property damage. It is…

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Case in Texas?

The loss of a loved one in an unexpected accident will turn your life upside-down. In addition to immense grief and pain, your family may also be dealing with financial struggles from the loss of…

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Injury in Texas     

If you get injured in a slip and fall accident in Texas, it is important to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your legal rights. The owner of the property where the…

Texas Wet Floor Sign Laws

While no law in Texas specifically requires wet floor signs, property owners do have a duty to keep premises free of potential injury risks. If a prudent property owner had used a wet floor sign,…

Texas Property Owners’ Responsibilities in Preventing Accidents

In Texas, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. Although the specific responsibilities vary based on the circumstances and the type of visitor, property owners have a…

Steps in the Texas Car Accident Claims Process: What You Should Do After an Accident   

Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries and deaths in Texas. For the average driver, getting into a car accident is more likely a question of when, not if. It is…

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Texas Car Accident Cases

If you get injured or suffer property damage in a car accident in Texas, a legal doctrine known as comparative negligence may affect your claim. In Texas, this law could diminish your financial recovery if…

Top Questions to Ask During a Car Accident Lawyer Consultation

If you get injured in an automobile accident in Austin, you may need to hire an Austin car accident attorney during the insurance claims process. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations, where you…

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¿Puedo demandar a una compañía de seguros?

¿Puedo demandar a una compañía de seguros?  Aunque cualquier tipo de demanda puede ser desalentador, particularmente sin representación legal experta, enfrentarse a una compañía de seguros en la corte puede ser francamente aterrador. Al igual que David enfrentándose a Goliat,…

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Can I Sue an Insurance Company?

Can I Sue an Insurance Company? Although any type of lawsuit can be daunting — particularly without knowledgeable legal representation — going up against an insurance company in court can be downright terrifying. Like David going up against Goliath, the…

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Qué hacer después de una explosión de la cámara de freno

La mayoría de nosotros lo hemos experimentado: la necesidad de “frenar bruscamente” para detenernos justo a tiempo para evitar golpear a otro vehículo que se detuvo en seco o para evitar una obstrucción frente a nosotros. Contamos con nuestros sistemas…

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What to Do Following a Brake Chamber Explosion

Most of us have experienced it: the need to “slam” on our brakes in order to stop just in time to keep from hitting another vehicle that has stopped short, or to avoid an obstruction in front of us. We…

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Términos del acuerdo de State Farm: lo que debe saber

State Farm es una compañía de seguros popular, que atiende a muchos clientes y suscribe muchas pólizas de seguro diferentes. Si resulta lesionado en un accidente, existe una buena posibilidad de que la otra parte esté asegurada por State Farm….

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State Farm Settlement Terms: What You Should Know

State Farm is a popular insurance company, serving many customers and underwriting many different insurance policies. If you are injured in an accident, there is a good chance that the other party will be insured by State Farm. In this…

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Conozca sus opciones legales si ha sufrido una conmoción cerebral después de un accidente

A concusión es un tipo de lesión cerebral traumática causada con mayor frecuencia por un golpe o golpe en la cabeza, o por un golpe en el cuerpo que hace que la cabeza se mueva rápidamente hacia adelante y hacia atrás. Muchas…

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Know Your Legal Options if You’ve Experienced a Concussion After an Accident

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury most often caused by a blow or bump to the head, or by a blow to the body that causes the head to move quickly back and forth. Many concussions are…

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Texas Motorcycle Insurance: What Is Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury?

Texas law requires drivers to carry minimum liability insurance policies, but 1 in 8 drivers do not have a valid policy. Motorcyclists who are injured in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver might be eligible for recovery if…

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Seis lesiones comunes de accidentes automovilísticos con síntomas tardíos

Un accidente automovilístico no deja ninguna duda en su mente, desde el momento del impacto, de que se encuentra en un camino largo y potencialmente difícil. Incluso si sus lesiones no alteran su vida de forma permanente, recuperarse de un…

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Six Common Car Accident Injuries With Delayed Symptoms

A car accident leaves no doubt in your mind, from the moment of impact, that you are in for a long, potentially difficult road. Even if your injuries are not permanently life-altering, recovering from an accident means time away from…

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¿Necesito cobertura de motorista sin seguro en Florida?

Estar en un accidente automovilístico es a menudo una experiencia aterradora, ya sea que esté lidiando con lesiones dolorosas, daños a su vehículo o las consecuencias emocionales del choque. Sin embargo, aún más frustrante que tener un accidente es descubrir…

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