April 2022

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Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Injury in Texas     

If you get injured in a slip and fall accident in Texas, it is important to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your legal rights. The owner of the property where the…

Texas Wet Floor Sign Laws

While no law in Texas specifically requires wet floor signs, property owners do have a duty to keep premises free of potential injury risks. If a prudent property owner had used a wet floor sign,…

Texas Property Owners’ Responsibilities in Preventing Accidents

In Texas, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. Although the specific responsibilities vary based on the circumstances and the type of visitor, property owners have a…

Steps in the Texas Car Accident Claims Process: What You Should Do After an Accident   

Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries and deaths in Texas. For the average driver, getting into a car accident is more likely a question of when, not if. It is…

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Texas Car Accident Cases

If you get injured or suffer property damage in a car accident in Texas, a legal doctrine known as comparative negligence may affect your claim. In Texas, this law could diminish your financial recovery if…

Top Questions to Ask During a Car Accident Lawyer Consultation

If you get injured in an automobile accident in Austin, you may need to hire an Austin car accident attorney during the insurance claims process. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations, where you…

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries in Car Accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of serious and fatal injuries in the United States. While some car accidents only cause minor injuries, others are catastrophic, meaning they inflict a level of…

Common Types of Premises Liability Cases in Texas

Premises liability laws allow you to hold a property owner in Texas responsible for having a dangerous property that causes an injury to you or a loved one. All landowners in Texas have a legal…

What Determines Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?

In Texas, when a car accident takes place, the person or party most at fault for causing the collision is responsible for paying for a victim’s losses, including medical bills and property damage. It is…

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Case in Texas?

The loss of a loved one in an unexpected accident will turn your life upside-down. In addition to immense grief and pain, your family may also be dealing with financial struggles from the loss of…

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Injury in Texas     

If you get injured in a slip and fall accident in Texas, it is important to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your legal rights. The owner of the property where the…

Texas Wet Floor Sign Laws

While no law in Texas specifically requires wet floor signs, property owners do have a duty to keep premises free of potential injury risks. If a prudent property owner had used a wet floor sign,…

Texas Property Owners’ Responsibilities in Preventing Accidents

In Texas, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. Although the specific responsibilities vary based on the circumstances and the type of visitor, property owners have a…

Steps in the Texas Car Accident Claims Process: What You Should Do After an Accident   

Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries and deaths in Texas. For the average driver, getting into a car accident is more likely a question of when, not if. It is…

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Texas Car Accident Cases

If you get injured or suffer property damage in a car accident in Texas, a legal doctrine known as comparative negligence may affect your claim. In Texas, this law could diminish your financial recovery if…

Top Questions to Ask During a Car Accident Lawyer Consultation

If you get injured in an automobile accident in Austin, you may need to hire an Austin car accident attorney during the insurance claims process. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations, where you…

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Cómo probar una lesión en la espalda en el trabajo

Cuando se lesiona la espalda en el trabajo, su primer pensamiento probablemente no sea llamar a un abogado especializado en lesiones de columna. De hecho, es posible que muchas personas no piensen nada acerca de su lesión, o traten de…

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How to Prove a Back Injury at Work

When you injure your back at work, your first thought is not likely going to be to call a spinal injury lawyer. In fact, many people may not think anything about their injury at all, or they try to tough…

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¿Qué es una lesión por quemadura de espesor total?

Las quemaduras de espesor total, o quemaduras de tercer grado, son quemaduras que dañan o incluso destruyen ambas capas de la piel, incluidos los folículos pilosos, las glándulas sudoríparas, y también dañan el tejido subyacente. Quemaduras lo suficientemente graves como…

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¿Cuáles son las principales causas de los accidentes industriales?

Los trabajadores industriales se arriesgan todos los días para mantener en funcionamiento los sistemas que garantizan que las personas de la comunidad tengan lo que necesitan. La maquinaria pesada, los ambientes ruidosos, las temperaturas extremas y más, contribuyen a los…

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What Is a Full-Thickness Burn Injury?

Full-thickness burns — or third-degree burns — are burns that damage or even destroy both layers of skin, including the hair follicles, sweat glands, as well as damage the underlying tissue. Burns serious enough to require treatment injure one person…

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What Are the Main Causes of Industrial Accidents?

Industrial workers put themselves at risk every day to keep the systems running that make sure people in the community have what they need. Heavy machinery, loud environments, extreme temperatures, and more all contribute to dangerous occupational settings faced by…

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What Goes in an Electrocution Accident Report?

Electrocution injuries are extremely dangerous — killing almost 1000 and injuring almost 30,000 people in the United States each year — yet almost all electrical injuries are from preventable accidents. Read on to learn more about how an electrocution accident…

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What You Need to Know If You’re Hit by an Amazon Truck

Texas is booming again. Unfortunately, that boom can have some unwelcome consequences. An investigation by independent technology news site The Information found that there were 53 serious Amazon truck accidents between April 2018 and April 2021, with 14 deaths and…

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Lo que debe saber si lo atropella un camión de FedEx

Esto es lo que necesita saber si está involucrado en un accidente de camión de FedEx Todos los días, personas en vehículos motorizados de todos los tamaños cruzan 683,533 millas de carreteras en Texas. Las carreteras de todo tipo en los…

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Lo que necesita saber si lo golpea un camión de Amazon

Texas está en auge de nuevo. Desafortunadamente, ese auge puede tener algunas consecuencias no deseadas. Una investigación realizada por un sitio de noticias de tecnología independiente La información encontró que había 53 accidentes graves de camiones Amazon entre abril de 2018 y abril de…

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What You Need to Know If You’re Hit by a FedEx Truck

Here’s What You Need To Know if Involved in a FedEx Truck Accident Every day, people in motor vehicles of all sizes crisscross 683,533 miles of Texas roadways. Roads of all types in the United States are busy places, and…

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¿Puede un accidente automovilístico causar un aborto espontáneo?

Los accidentes automovilísticos pueden causar una devastación indescriptible para los involucrados. En algunas situaciones, las lesiones sufridas en un accidente automovilístico provocan un aborto espontáneo. En los Estados Unidos, las colisiones de vehículos motorizados son la principal causa de mortalidad…

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