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How to Obtain a Copy of Your Austin Car Accident Police Report 

If you are involved in a car accident, you may need a car accident police report for your claim. Here is what you need to know about obtaining your Austin car accident police report.

When Are Car Accident Reports Made?

Texas law requires law enforcement to make a police report after an accident is reported that involves:

  • More than $1,000 in apparent property damage
  • Personal injury
  • Death

For accidents that do not meet these criteria, individuals involved in a car accident can complete a Form CR-2 to provide details about the crash. The Texas Department of Transportation no longer keeps these records, so drivers should keep these forms for their own records.

What Is Included in a Car Accident Police Report?

Car accident police reports can contain valuable information about the crash, including:

  • The name and contact information of the other driver or drivers
  • A statement about whether the other driver was cited for a traffic violation
  • Details of the crash, including location, date, and road and weather conditions
  • A diagram of the crash
  • The officer’s opinions
  • Witness statements

How Can I Get a Copy of My Austin Car Accident Police Report?

There are several ways that you can go about obtaining a copy of your car accident police report, including:

  • Call – You can call (512) 974-5499 to request a copy of the police report prepared by the Austin Police Department.
  • Online – The Austin Police Department’s Incident Report Database no longer provides public access to accident reports. However, you can request a police report through LexisNexis.
  • In Person – You can request a copy of the police report at the Main Police Headquarters, located at 715 E. 8th St., Austin, TX 78701 between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. You will need a case number to obtain the report. Reports cost $6.
  • By Mail – You can request a copy of the police report by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope, along with $6 (cash, check, or money order) to the following address: Austin Police Department Report Sales P.O. Box 689001, Austin, TX 78768.

What If the Crash Occurred Outside City Limits?

If you are involved in a crash outside the city limits of Austin, you can obtain a copy of the crash report from the Travis County Sheriff’s Department or the Texas Department of Transportation through the following methods:

  • Online – You can use the Crash Report Online Purchasing System to purchase a copy of the report online.
  • In-person – You can visit the Travis County Sheriff’s Office at 5555 Airport Blvd., Austin, TX 78751, and complete an accident report request form Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • By mail – You can order an accident report by mailing a completed accident report request form along with payment of $8 for a certified report or $6 for a non-certified report to the following address: Travis County Sheriff’s Office, P.O. Box 1748, Austin, TX 78767.

It can take two to ten days after the accident date before the report is available. You can call ahead to check if the report is available.

Contact FVF Law for Help Obtaining Your Car Accident Report

At FVF Law, we know how valuable accident reports can be and that you want to obtain a copy as soon as possible. If you have been involved in a collision, our Austin personal injury lawyers can help walk you through your options, handle the legal and insurance claim process, and protect your rights and best interests.  Contact us for help with your case by calling (512) 982-9328.

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