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Know Your Legal Options if You’ve Experienced a Concussion After an Accident

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury most often caused by a blow or bump to the head, or by a blow to the body that causes the head to move quickly back and forth. Many concussions are a result of falls, but they can also be the result of an accident, such as a serious car crash. During a car accident, the brain can bounce around inside the skull, causing a concussion.

Although the effects of a concussion are usually fully resolved with time, in some cases, the victim experiences severe brain trauma and long-lasting consequences. In this post, we discuss your legal options if you’ve experienced a concussion after an accident.

The Cost of Concussions

Most people recover fully after suffering a concussion, but the effects can nevertheless be painful and debilitating. Some symptoms of a concussion include a headache, loss of memory, confusion, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, sensitivity to noise or light, and in some cases, a loss of consciousness.

In severe cases, accident victims who suffer a concussion end up with long-term medical issues and consequences. A more serious traumatic brain injury can result from a car accident, leaving the victim with a potentially permanent injury. Some research suggests that about ten percent of concussion sufferers endure permanent cognitive, mental, or emotional injuries.

Because a concussion can be quite serious, it is imperative that you are examined immediately after the accident and receive proper medical treatment. Ask for appropriate diagnostic imaging to allow your doctor to properly assess your injury. Be sure you document each step in the process, each medical visit, and each finding.

Recovering for Your Concussion-Related Injuries

There are various types of damages that may result from a concussion after an accident. For example:

  • Hospital charges as a result of emergency room visits, in-patient stays, or outpatient expenses
  • Other medical bills, such as specialist visits, diagnostic imaging charges, and prescription medication costs
  • Loss of income, if you cannot attend to your work
  • Potentially, loss of future income, if your injury is so severe that it prevents you from engaging in the work you were doing previously
  • Mental anguish, pain and suffering, and other types of non-economic damages

The damages from a concussion can quickly add up. Moreover, there isn’t a really effective way to treat a concussion, though physical and mental rest are essential to getting better. Most medical care centers on management and preventing future damage, and sometimes, it may be difficult even to employ any diagnostic tools to verify a concussion diagnosis. The best thing you can do if you have suffered a concussion in a car accident is rest, so as not to aggravate your injuries, and consult with medical professionals.

Personal Injury Claims Related to Concussions

Once you have determined that you will need legal support dealing with a concussion after an accident, and your lawyer has determined that you have a valid claim, your lawyer will work with you to determine the best course of action and the kinds of damages to seek recovery for in your case. Often, in an accident case, your claim will be one for negligence. This requires you to prove that the other driver breached a duty to you to operate safely on the road, and as a result, they caused your injuries. An attorney who is experienced with concussion cases can be invaluable in distilling the facts and legal arguments needed to make your case.

In addition to preparing an effective lawsuit, an experienced personal injury Lawyer can help value the damages that resulted from a concussion. They can help negotiate with the other party and their insurance company to get you a satisfactory settlement to cover your damages. If there are any complications, such as post-concussion syndrome, a knowledgeable Austin concussion attorney can help fight for damages you’ll incur in the long run as a result of your accident.

FVF Can Help

Concussion accident cases can be quite complicated. Several things can impact your case and ultimate recovery including the extent of your injury, the difficulty of determining fault, the presence of preexisting conditions, and the number of parties involved.

At FVF, we are committed to helping you understand your options in Austin car accident injury cases. We accept only cases we believe we can add substantial value to — enough to cover our fee, and then some — and we are always transparent about what next steps are in your best interest.

Our no-commitment case consultations are intended to help you feel informed enough to make decisions about your situation that are in your best interest. Contact us today to arrange a consultation.

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