What Factors Can Affect Your Drunk Driving Car Accident Settlement?
Fewer experiences are scarier than realizing — whether in the throes of the collision itself or after waking up in a hospital bed — that you have been the victim of a drunk driving crash. In 2019, 886 people in…
Can I Sue If I Was Hit by a Drunk Truck Driver?
Commercial truck drivers are required to be responsible on the road — and that includes not driving drunk. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration considers a blood alcohol concentration of 0.04 percent or above while operating a commercial vehicle to…
A Passenger’s Guide to Drunk Driving Accidents
Most people understand that they can claim compensation for damages from a drunk driver who causes a collision with their vehicle. However, many victims don’t know their rights as a passenger injured in an accident — particularly if they are…
How Can We Prevent Drunk Driving Accidents?
Drunk driving is incredibly prevalent in the US — more than one million drivers are arrested each year for driving under the influence, while millions more report that they have driven after drinking alcohol. When drunk drivers get behind the…
Texas Drunk Driving Accident Victims Need to Know About This Fund
An accident with a drunk driver can leave you with many questions — and many expenses. A serious injury can result in mounting medical bills and personal costs at a time when you are potentially dealing with permanent or temporary…