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Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Injury in Texas     

If you get injured in a slip and fall accident in Texas, it is important to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your legal rights. The owner of the property where the…

Texas Wet Floor Sign Laws

While no law in Texas specifically requires wet floor signs, property owners do have a duty to keep premises free of potential injury risks. If a prudent property owner had used a wet floor sign,…

Texas Property Owners’ Responsibilities in Preventing Accidents

In Texas, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. Although the specific responsibilities vary based on the circumstances and the type of visitor, property owners have a…

Steps in the Texas Car Accident Claims Process: What You Should Do After an Accident   

Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries and deaths in Texas. For the average driver, getting into a car accident is more likely a question of when, not if. It is…

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Texas Car Accident Cases

If you get injured or suffer property damage in a car accident in Texas, a legal doctrine known as comparative negligence may affect your claim. In Texas, this law could diminish your financial recovery if…

Top Questions to Ask During a Car Accident Lawyer Consultation

If you get injured in an automobile accident in Austin, you may need to hire an Austin car accident attorney during the insurance claims process. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations, where you…

Common Types of Catastrophic Injuries in Car Accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of serious and fatal injuries in the United States. While some car accidents only cause minor injuries, others are catastrophic, meaning they inflict a level of…

Common Types of Premises Liability Cases in Texas

Premises liability laws allow you to hold a property owner in Texas responsible for having a dangerous property that causes an injury to you or a loved one. All landowners in Texas have a legal…

What Determines Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?

In Texas, when a car accident takes place, the person or party most at fault for causing the collision is responsible for paying for a victim’s losses, including medical bills and property damage. It is…

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Case in Texas?

The loss of a loved one in an unexpected accident will turn your life upside-down. In addition to immense grief and pain, your family may also be dealing with financial struggles from the loss of…

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Injury in Texas     

If you get injured in a slip and fall accident in Texas, it is important to know what steps to take to protect yourself and your legal rights. The owner of the property where the…

Texas Wet Floor Sign Laws

While no law in Texas specifically requires wet floor signs, property owners do have a duty to keep premises free of potential injury risks. If a prudent property owner had used a wet floor sign,…

Texas Property Owners’ Responsibilities in Preventing Accidents

In Texas, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises in a reasonably safe condition. Although the specific responsibilities vary based on the circumstances and the type of visitor, property owners have a…

Steps in the Texas Car Accident Claims Process: What You Should Do After an Accident   

Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries and deaths in Texas. For the average driver, getting into a car accident is more likely a question of when, not if. It is…

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Texas Car Accident Cases

If you get injured or suffer property damage in a car accident in Texas, a legal doctrine known as comparative negligence may affect your claim. In Texas, this law could diminish your financial recovery if…

Top Questions to Ask During a Car Accident Lawyer Consultation

If you get injured in an automobile accident in Austin, you may need to hire an Austin car accident attorney during the insurance claims process. Most personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations, where you…

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Red de empoderamiento de niñas

Girls Empowerment Network es una organización 501(c)(3) dedicada a empoderar a las niñas y brindarles las herramientas necesarias para prosperar. JULIO 2021 Chats poderosos de CAMP FVFer Caitlyn se divirtió mucho participando en CAMP Power Chats de Girls Empowerment Network…

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Accidentes de Megabus: conozca sus opciones si es una víctima

Los autobuses chárter como Megabus son una forma conveniente y económica de viajar entre ciudades. Sin embargo, esas tarifas baratas de autobús puede tener un precio de seguridad comprometida, lo que resulta en potencialmente peligroso consecuencias para los pasajeros y quienes comparten la…

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“Mi accidente automovilístico no fue mi culpa”: cómo recuperarse de sus pérdidas

Cuando se trata de recuperarse de sus pérdidas, obtener la mejor atención posible y la información que necesita para luchar por su reclamo comienza momentos después del impacto. En esos primeros momentos después de haber estado en una colisión, un…

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¿Son comunes los accidentes de camiones de 18 ruedas en Austin?

Austin se clasifica constantemente como uno de los mejores lugares del país para vivir, pero solo este año más 811 años de vida se han perdido a accidentes de tránsito, algunos de los cuales involucran camiones grandes. mientras austin ocupa un lugar más…

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Carreteras más comunes para accidentes automovilísticos en Austin

Ya sea que haga clic en la radio, navegue por Twitter o encienda la televisión, casi no pasa un día sin noticias de un accidente de tráfico en las carreteras de Austin. En una ciudad de un millón de personas, donde más…

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Impacto Austin

Impact Austin es una organización de donación colectiva de mujeres con sede en Austin, que financia organizaciones sin fines de lucro del centro de Texas que brindan servicios en los condados de Bastrop, Hays, Travis y Williamson. ABRIL 2022 Sesión…

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Fuera de la juventud

Out Youth es una organización dedicada a crear un entorno seguro para los jóvenes LGBTQIA+ y sus aliados. Durante los últimos 31 años, Out Youth ha brindado programas y servicios para que jóvenes de todas las orientaciones sexuales e identidades…

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Comidas sobre ruedas del centro de Texas

Meals on Wheels of Central Texas distribuye más de 3000 comidas todos los días hábiles a personas mayores y personas con discapacidades para promover la dignidad y la vida independiente. OCTUBRE 2021 Día del Voluntariado con Austin FC Austin FC…

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Banco de Alimentos del Centro de Texas

La misión del Banco de Alimentos del Centro de Texas es nutrir a las personas hambrientas y liderar a la comunidad en la lucha contra el hambre. JULIO 2018 Día del Voluntariado El equipo FVF pasó una mañana como voluntario…

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Operación Blue Santa del Departamento de Policía de Austin

Operation Blue Santa proporciona miles de obsequios a familias necesitadas en la ciudad de Austin durante la temporada navideña. DICIEMBRE 2019 Operación Santa Marcha Azul FVF fue un orgulloso patrocinador de la bandera de Operation Blue Santa y marchó junto…

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Alianza de Salud para Músicos de Austin (HAAM)

HAAM brinda atención médica asequible para músicos trabajadores de bajos ingresos en el área de Austin con un enfoque en la prevención y el bienestar. Al igual que HAAM, FVF cree que la música en vivo es uno de los…

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The Christi Center

The Christie Center works with families and children in our community, helping them grieve the loss of a loved one. Their vision is that no one should grieve alone, and they offer support groups, peer to peer counseling and other…

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