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How Dog Bite Cases Work Under Texas Premises Liability Law

If you get bitten by a dog, you may sustain serious injuries that will leave permanent physical and emotional scars. In Texas, pet owners can be held responsible for injuries caused by their dogs. Under…

The Impact of Social Media on Texas Car Accident Claims

Social media is such a commonplace thing in the modern world that many car accident victims don’t think twice before posting information about their crashes online. This may be how you’re used to sharing your…

Understanding and Documenting Non-Visible Car Accident Injuries

When you imagine a car accident, you may picture injuries that are immediately obvious, such as a broken bone or skin lacerations. The reality, however, is that many victims suffer non-visible car accident injuries that…

Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024)

Key Takeaways: Autonomous vehicles, more accurately described as vehicles equipped with driver assistance programs, are becoming increasingly common on Texas roads. In fact, Texas serves as an ideal testing ground for this technology, alongside its…

What Are Common Injuries in Commercial Truck Accident Cases?

Commercial truck accidents are one of the most severe types of accidents in terms of the injuries often inflicted on victims. It is common for truck accident survivors to suffer catastrophic and life-threatening injuries. While…

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in Austin?

Even if the car accident you are involved in is relatively minor, it’s still important that you understand your legal rights and options. An Austin car accident attorney’s goal will be to educate you on…

The Most Common Causes of 18-Wheeler Accidents

Every year, thousands of individuals lose their lives in traffic accidents involving 18-wheelers or semi-trucks. In Texas, truck accident victims can receive financial compensation from the person or party at fault for the collision. Identifying…

How Much Is a Permanent Injury Worth in Texas?

Permanent injuries will impact your life forever. For this reason, it is crucial to understand the value of your claim so that you can achieve the financial recovery that makes you whole again. The value…

How Soon After an Injury Do I Need to File a Lawsuit?

If you get hurt in an accident in Texas that was caused by someone else, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to help you become whole again. In this situation, it’s…

How Safety Training Helps Prevent Construction Accidents in Texas

Construction accidents are terrible disasters that should never take place in safe and secure work environments. Yet construction is one of the deadliest industries in Texas, with hundreds of serious and fatal accidents reported each…

How Dog Bite Cases Work Under Texas Premises Liability Law

If you get bitten by a dog, you may sustain serious injuries that will leave permanent physical and emotional scars. In Texas, pet owners can be held responsible for injuries caused by their dogs. Under…

The Impact of Social Media on Texas Car Accident Claims

Social media is such a commonplace thing in the modern world that many car accident victims don’t think twice before posting information about their crashes online. This may be how you’re used to sharing your…

Understanding and Documenting Non-Visible Car Accident Injuries

When you imagine a car accident, you may picture injuries that are immediately obvious, such as a broken bone or skin lacerations. The reality, however, is that many victims suffer non-visible car accident injuries that…

Texas Autonomous Vehicle Crash Analysis (2023-2024)

Key Takeaways: Autonomous vehicles, more accurately described as vehicles equipped with driver assistance programs, are becoming increasingly common on Texas roads. In fact, Texas serves as an ideal testing ground for this technology, alongside its…

What Are Common Injuries in Commercial Truck Accident Cases?

Commercial truck accidents are one of the most severe types of accidents in terms of the injuries often inflicted on victims. It is common for truck accident survivors to suffer catastrophic and life-threatening injuries. While…

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in Austin?

Even if the car accident you are involved in is relatively minor, it’s still important that you understand your legal rights and options. An Austin car accident attorney’s goal will be to educate you on…

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Una mirada experta a los accidentes por conducir ebrio

En este episodio de podcast, Josh y Aaron hablan sobre accidentes por conducir ebrios. Escuche para saber cómo FVF realmente aboga por nuestros clientes investigando conducir ebrio fallas y aprenda qué buscar en un abogado de accidentes por conducir ebrio. El podcast Summary…

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Muerte Injusta en el Trabajo | Qué buscar en un abogado de muerte por negligencia

En este episodio de podcast, Josh y Aaron hablan sobre un tema difícil, los derechos de los miembros de la familia que han perdido a un ser querido por un accidente de muerte por negligencia en el trabajo. Recorren los…

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¿Cuánto vale mi caso de accidente automovilístico?

En este episodio de podcast, Josh y Aaron responden la pregunta más buscada: ¿Cuánto vale mi caso de accidente automovilístico? Escuche para conocer los múltiples factores que intervienen en la determinación valores de liquidación de accidentes automovilísticos. Escuche aquí o lea la transcripción…

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¿Qué es la inmunidad calificada?

La inmunidad calificada ha estado bastante en las noticias estos días. En este episodio de podcast, Josh y Aaron abordan qué es la inmunidad calificada y cómo afecta la ley de lesiones personales. Escuche aquí o lea la transcripción a…

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¿Cómo funcionan las reclamaciones de pérdida total?

Recibimos muchas llamadas de personas que no necesariamente están lesionadas, pero que necesitan ayuda. navegando el reclamo por daños a la propiedad para su vehículo. En este episodio de podcast, Josh y Aaron explican qué es un reclamo de pérdida total…

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¿Cómo se les paga a los abogados de lesiones personales?

En este episodio de podcast, Josh y Aaron hablan sobre la estructura de honorarios de los abogados de lesiones personales. Escuche para saber qué quieren decir los abogados con “sin ganar, sin cuota” y cómo FVF Law maneja las cosas…

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¿Cómo funcionan los casos de muerte por negligencia?

En este episodio, Josh y Aaron discuten un tema pesado, casos de muerte por negligencia. Sintonice para conocer las diferentes piezas y tipos de demandas por muerte injusta. Escuche aquí o lea la transcripción a continuación. El podcast Summary Judgement de…

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¿Cuánto tiempo toman los acuerdos?

En este episodio de podcast, Josh y Aaron analizan las diferentes fases de los casos de lesiones personales, cómo esas fases están vinculadas a la duración del caso y qué hacen en FVF para asegurarse de que sus clientes obtengan…

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¿Cómo funcionan los acuerdos de accidentes automovilísticos?

Otra pregunta común que recibimos en FVF Law es: ¿Cómo funcionan los acuerdos de accidentes automovilísticos? En este episodio, Josh y Aaron brindan una descripción general del proceso de liquidación de accidentes automovilísticos y qué variables pueden cambiar ese proceso….

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¿Por qué contratar a un abogado de lesiones personales?

uno de los mas preguntas comunes que obtenemos en FVF Law es: ¿Por qué contratar a un abogado de lesiones personales después de un accidente automovilístico? En este episodio, Josh y Aaron explican por qué debe llamar a un abogado incluso si no…

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